Friday, February 29, 2008

Laid Off but Not Laid Up

Yesterday, ten minutes before the end of my work day, I was called into my boss's office and informed that it was my last day. I was being laid off. It was sudden and painful. I was assured that it had nothing to do with the quality of my work and that I would receive a glowing reference letter and severance pay.

Once the shock had died down a bit (it still hasn't fully died down...), I started to think that this might actually be a good thing for my life. As much as I loved the people I worked with, my day job split my focus away from the things I'm really passionate about in life, martial arts and writing.

Since I won't be working, I can focus on developing my professional MMA career. My coach says that it won't be long until I do my first pro fight (likely early spring) and once I do, I'll be getting sponsorships. So while I'm on severance pay, I can train and work with my coach/ fight manager to get more sponsorships.

Time to roll up my sleeves...

1 comment:

  1. Good luck. Every time I've been forced to make a change like this, it's turned out for the best.


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